SARMs have gotten popular because they have little side effects but can significantly enhance mass and strength.
But as with many other compounds such as steroids, they mess with your hormones. With these compounds, it might not be as severe as steroids, but you’ll still need to take it seriously.
You run a SARMs PCT as a protocol after your cycle is over. It’s pretty much as important as your cycle for muscle mass.
Of course, the real question here is, do SARMS need PCT (Post Cycle Therapy)?
The answer is yes; we would advise running a PCT supplement after every SARMs cycle
Even the slightest amount of SARMs can be suppressive for your body’s hormone system. You’re going to need a product to help you get back on your feet afterward.
It’s actually essential to do so. Many bodybuilders and athletes put a lot of effort into planning their cycles and forget the importance of a proper post cycle therapy along the road.
Make sure to keep reading this guide. We will tell you everything you need to know about properly recovering from a cycle.
For those of you that think a Post Cycle Therapy for SARMs, ”won’t really be required.”
You’re mistaken.
Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) can be suppressive. Even the milder compounds such as MK-2866 at low dosages can be.
When a compound is suppressive, it will impact your body’s natural testosterone levels and production. Your hormone levels will start to drop significantly.
Symptoms of low hormone levels include reduced libido, fatigue, insomnia, decreased muscle mass, and emotional changes.
As you can imagine, those side effects will lead to poor performance in the gym and the fact that maintaining mass will become more complicated.
To prevent your hormone levels from ending up in the gutter, you will need a post cycle therapy supplement.
By starting a proper Post Cycle Therapy for SARMs, you will be able to sustain the size and strength gains you’ve made.
Compounds such as SR9009, MK677 and GW501516 do not need one.
As with many performance-enhancing compounds, SARMs do require a PCT despite what others tell you.
Even Ostarine, YK11, and LGD 4033 will require one. There’s no escaping it.
It’s essential to take it seriously, or you might experience some nasty side effects. Plus, you could lose the progress from a cycle.
Compared to steroids, SARMs aren’t that suppressive but will still need post cycle therapy
Make sure that you run it anywhere from 4 to 8 weeks.
PCT BOTTLE contains (Androsta-3 5-diene-7 17-dione and 5-Alpha-hydroxy-laxogenin)
Laxogenin is mainly used by bodybuilders and other athletes to enhance performance.
Since brassinosteroids have shown anabolic effects, they could potentially enhance one’s physical performance in several ways.
Let’s go over the main reasons why athletes use this compound
Many athletes that use or have used Laxogenin notice a significant increase in lean muscle growth.
The muscle-building effects start kicking in after about one week, where the user will notice an increase in performance
The clinical data on the muscle-building effects of this compound is limited, but with that said, the many positive user reviews have shown it to work.
These plant steroids, such as 5 alpha-hydroxy laxogenin, work differently than other hormones.
They activate a specific type of protein in the body, which then makes sure your body doesn’t break down muscle proteins.
With more muscle proteins, your body will be able to increase it’s performance significantly. You will recover faster and put on mass more quickly.
As I mentioned before, this compound doesn’t have a lot of scientific data available to back it up, so we are going off user reviews.
Another less-mentioned benefit of Laxogenin is that it could help break down fat cells.
This means that athletes should also consider using it for cutting to help them speed up weight loss and prevent muscle loss.
If this compound has gotten your interest and you plan to try it, it’s essential to know how to use it.
The best Laxogenin dosage is between 100 to 200mg a day. If it’s your first time trying it, we advise starting with just 100mg per day to see how your body reacts.
Personally, I found 200mg per day to be the best dosage for me. We don’t advise going any higher than that because it’s already very potent.
The length of the cycle should be between 4 to 12 weeks. After this period, you should take a 4-week break before starting a new cycle.
Make sure to calculate how long and at what dosage your cycle will be, so you can get the necessary bottles.
Based on the research we’ve done, Laxogenin causes little to no side effects.
The side effects users have reported are mild stomach issues and headaches. With that said, many users report no side effects at all.
It is pretty much safe for consumption; otherwise, companies wouldn’t be selling it.
Of course, it’s essential to follow the dosage guidelines. Don’t do anything stupid and start with a low dosage to assess your tolerance.
Androsta-3 5-diene-7 17-dione
Arimistane or Androsta-3 5-diene-7 17-dione is an aromatize inhibiting compound and is a DHEA analog. Supplement companies often sell it as a product that will reduce estradiol and is mostly used as a post cycle therapy.
There are only a couple of studies that support that claim, but it’s a very promising compound.
Arimistane naturally occurs in the human body. In the 1970s, East German steroid chemists, affiliated with the Research Center for Molecular Biology and Medicine, produced Androsta-3 5-diene-7 17-dione in human urine.
Later on, in the early ’90s, researchers from the Ohoku College of Pharmacy in Japan were looking for aromatase inhibitors(AIs). They found out that Androsta-3 5-diene-7 17-dione was one of the best AIs available.
These are three primary uses of Androsta-3 5-diene-7 17-dione:
- Post Cycle Therapy
- Anti Gynecomastia
- Performance Enhancer
Most users use it while they’re doing a post cycle therapy or on an anabolic steroid cycle to prevent, reduce or revert gyno.

After you did a cycle of any suppressive compound like SARMs, Prohormone ore AAS, you will need a post cycle therapy to recover your natural testosterone.
If you do not recover properly, you will have low energy, libido, and potentially lose the muscle gains you just made during your cycle.
After your cycle, you want to increase your testosterone levels and not your estrogen levels, too much estrogen could result in side effects like gyno.
That’s where Androsta-3 5-diene-7 17-dione comes in place because it will block unnecessary estrogen and increase your natural testosterone.
You should take Arimistane as a PCT straight after you are done with your cycle for a period of 2-4 weeks depending on how you feel. Some people require a cycle of 2 weeks and some longer than 4.
Most users take a dosage between 50-75mg a day for optimal results.
It’s not recommended to take it longer than 6 -8 weeks because your body also needs estrogen and low estrogen side effects are also no joke.
Most users did a cycle of LGD-4033(Ligandrol) or RAD-140 (Testolone), they both are known for its suppressive side-effects, however, with a proper pct supplement, you will recover quickly.
There is limited research available on Androsta-3 5-diene-7 17-dione, let alone research with human trials and the safety of arimistane.
However, I have yet to find any negative reviews or experiences on the usage of this compound. Many users claim that it’s overall well tolerated even on higher dosages.
The general rule is not to go any higher than 100mg a day and start with a dosage of 25mg daily and work your way up.
While running Androsta-3 5-diene-7 17-dione, I never experienced any negative side-effects.
I’ve just it multiple times while doing a PCT, and it gave me the results I wanted.
Anastrozole or Arimidex is also an Aromasin inhibitor, just like arimistane. The most significant difference between Arimidex and Androsta-3 5-diene-7 17-dione is that Arimidex is way stronger.
Arimidex is designed to treat postmenopausal women with breast cancer and is actually only available on prescription.
Arimidex is more potent and would also be more aggressive in its usage. This can come with more side-effects.
I would not recommend using Arimidex if you could get the same effects with Arimistane. Don’t get me wrong, Arimidex also works better but comes with a downside.
As mentioned earlier, it’s crucial to start with a low dose of Arimistane and then slowly work your way up.
If you start with a very high dose like 100mg than you could crash your estrogen.
And you definitely don’t want to crash your estrogen. Your body needs estrogen to have a healthy libido and brain function.
That’s why I recommend starting with 25mg a day and slowly increase it to 50 or 75mg if you do not get the desired effects.
In my experience, 50 – 75mg arimistane a day, is the best dosage.
Arimistane is an aromatase inhibitor that will lower your estrogen when you are on cycle and will help you recover faster in a PCT. Some users use it to combat gyno while on a cycle.
There is not much research available on the long term effects, however, it’s overall well-tolerated.